Soil & Tree Health


Soil Health

The soil is a complex ecosystem which has an enormous impact on the health of your trees. Keeping your soil healthy is our number one priority.

Total soil health care starts with an analysis of your soil's physical and chemical properties. All soil amendment and remediation options will be specifically suited to optimize the health of your trees.

A great way to start improving the health of your soil is with wood mulch. Placing a 4–6 inch layer of mulch on top of the root area, being careful not to create a volcano up the stem of your trees, will help to retain moisture and improve structure and soil biology.


Tree Health

The health and longevity of your trees is very important to us. Knowing that you will have them to enjoy for decades to come is what we strive for.

The majority of tree pests we see are native to our area and tend to have a limited long term impact on overall tree health. However, there are times when numbers can get beyond the point that a single tree can withstand.

Keeping your trees healthy and vigorous is the first step in any good tree health care program. Allowing the trees to best defend themselves through good cultural practices will put them a step ahead.

Cultural practices for enhancing tree health are part of the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach. While not the only aspect of IPM, they are the starting block for any good program.

Full consideration of the long term impact on your trees, property and the environment is the basis of any sound IPM strategy.